Seminer: Prof. Dr. Victor Ayala
Differential Geometric Control Theory
Seminer: Prof. Dr. Khalide Jbilou
Numerical methods for large differential matrix equations in control theory
SEMINARS : Prof. Dr. Khalide Jbilou
Matrix Computation with Applications, Lyapunov-Riccati Matrix Equations for Model Reduction Problems
SEMINAR : Murat Kirişci (Assoc. Prof.)
On the Topological View of Digital Images
SEMINAR : Behçet Uğur Töreyin (Assoc. Prof.)
Hyperspectral Data Compression
SEMINAR : Polyhedral Omega: A Linear Diophantine System Solver
Dr. Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos , 3th of December 2015, Room: E-2000, 10h30
SEMINAR : Frame Theory and Its Applications-2
Prof. Dr. Bilal Bilalov , 3rd of March 2016, Room: E-2000, 10h30
SEMINAR : Frame Theory and Its Applications-1
Prof. Dr. Bilal Bilalov , 2nd of March 2016, Room: E-2000, 15h00