Graduate Seminars-1All Events
Within the scope of the course MAT5001 Graduate Seminar, the following seminar will be given in the class E-2032 on April 16, 2019: "Stochastic Differential Equations" by Yağız Berk Özdemir at 10.00.
Within the scope of the course MAT6001 Graduate Seminar, the following seminar will be given in the class E-2031 on April 16, 2019: "Monte Carlo Based Stochastic Approach for the First Order Nonlinear ODE Systems" by Hande Uslu at 10.30.
All interested are welcome.
Seminar : Prof. Mohammad Shakhatreh21.11.2019
Seminar : Asst. Prof. Mutlu AKAR22.11.2019
Seminar : Prof. Sharifa N. Al-Sharif21.11.2019
Seminar : Prof. Dr. Okay ÇELEBİ15.11.2019
Seminar: Shakir Ali19.09.2019